The material on this site is the result of writing project that has taken well over a decade in the making. It is an expository commentary on the book of Proverbs called "Live Wise".  We have taken the material and used it as a motivational, instructional, and daily devotional resource.  Presently, it is the resource material for a new men's small group mentor ministry called, "The Exchange."  The premise of this small group is to bring together the strengths of the younger generation and the wisdom of the older as a complimentary relationship between the two groups.  Based on Malachi 4:6 "...he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers."  We believe that this is a trend that will exponentially grow in strength for many years to which I am committed to spending the rest of my life that young people may not live their lives in a mist of confusion...but that they might discover their true element, develop it, establish it, and in turn help others do the same!

Our Story

My wife and I been married for thirty years, and have four wonderful children and two incredible daughter-in-laws.  Throughout the duration of these past three decades, we resided in four different countries around the world covering three separate continents...all for one singular purpose...that purpose has been to win as many people to Christ as we possibly could and through his grace help people everywhere live better lives.  In a nutshell, it has been one serious blast! Once you get closely involved with the cutting edge stuff of becomes addictive.  Ordinary living just will not do anymore!  It is like getting on a freaky rollercoaster ride, and then once you are off, you can’t wait to get back on!



I am constantly looking for opportunities to change the world with whatever resources, influence, and wisdom my creator mercifully endows upon me.  From the very beginning there has been this inner drive within me which daily pounds within my heart to create things that will serve the deepest needs of humanity...and in the end...establish a permanent blessing upon them.  As undeserving as anyone could be...for some unknown reason....throughout the years God has so graciously given me the opportunity to serve as a mentor, communicator, linguist and writer...but more than anything...just a simple man who loves God and his family more than anything else in the whole world.  In the end...all I want to live to take care of my family...and somehow bring joy to the heart of my Father!