Tower of Refuge

Proverbs 18:10
God is a strong tower of refuge. The wise run into it, and are safe. 

All of us at some time or another have gone through big storms in our lives, and all we needed was some place of refuge to where we could escape from those problems and feel safe until the storm had passed…until our hearts had healed.  That place of safety could be with close family, with friends, or just somewhere away from everyone and alone with ourselves.  This article refers to such a place. 

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House on Fire

Proverbs 15:27
He that is greedy of gain brings troubles upon his home…

People too often rationalize their actions of dishonest pointing to the ultimate benefit that it has brought to them and their children.  However, they are deceived ...and when their lies come to bear upon will not only burn them…but their entire families with them.  This flame will have no prejudice when it is ignited within a home.  It burns throughout the entire house, sparing no matter how innocent it might be…until finally it brings the entire structure down upon itself.   

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The Message of Messiah: By LaVaughn Landry

Zechariah amazingly prophesies in 487 B.C, as God speaks to him concerning Christ’ future betrayal. Jesus was God’s covenant to mankind, broken upon a cross for us. The gospel according to Matthew records that He was betrayed with the kiss of Judas for thirty pieces of silver. A disciple of Christ who later tragically dies in a field called the potter’s field. Thirty pieces of silver was commonly known as the price of a servant. Listen to what Christ speaks in Matthew 20:27-28 saying, “And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”

Learn more! Click the picture or title above to read the entire article …. “The Message of Messiah”.

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In the Eye of the Beholder: By LaVaughn Landry

Proverbs 17:8
A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that has it:
...No matter which way we turn it; it still looks beautiful.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the sides of our lives would shine like those of a precious stone!  However, the truth is that they don’t.  Obviously, we all have areas of our lives that need to be changed, forgiven, redeemed, and covered.  However, it is not those sides of our lives upon which this particular proverb is focusing, but rather, the good side of our life that it addresses. And according to this proverb...something truly amazing transpires when we fixate our eyes upon these beautiful gifts.

Learn more.  Click the picture above to read..."In the Eyes of the Beholder'


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When A Ship Cannot Be Turned: By LaVaughn Landry

We all remember the historic collision of the famous ship, Titanic, and the tragic result that ensued.  The ship was utterly destroyed, causing the death of over fifteen hundred of its passengers.  We can recall the pride of those ignorant statements made prior to, and during its voyage... "Titanic...the unsinkable ship...the ship that even God cannot sink."  There is little doubt that the haughtiness of its creator, and the overconfidence of its captain, capitulated the tragic event!  However, this terrible tragedy could have been avoided.

Learn More. Click the picture to read..."When A Ship Cannot Be Turned."

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The Quiet Life: By LaVaughn Landry

Proverbs 17:1
Better is a dry morsel, and quietness …
Than a house with plenty...but full of strife.

This proverb is making another comparison of qualities.  Here we see a comparison of a simple, but peaceful existence, versus the prosperous, but sometimes problematic struggle it takes in obtaining it.  Some folks work their whole lives…just so that they can at some time in the future retire to a quiet farm in the country.  While others just skip that long process…and just choose from the very beginning to be farmers!  Certainly not all of us are called to live in the country and be farmers.  So, in what way can most of us hope to live a peaceful and quiet life?

Learn more!  Click the picture above to read "The Quiet Life".

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Our Lot In Life: By La Vaughn Landry

Proverbs 16:33
The whole lot is cast into the lap…but the disposing thereof… is in the hands of God. 

The more and more that this world grows and connects in its relationships of economy, politics, and law, the more complex the spectrum of the whole becomes, and the more seemingly difficult it is for us to control, or even forecast, the outcome of its entirety.  It is difficult, yes, even impossible, for us as individuals to keep up with all the events that take place across the world, and the effects that they could, or could not have upon our lives. 

Learn more.  Click the picture above to read the entire article..."Our Lot in Life".

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With Two Hands: By LaVaughn Landry

Proverbs 16:23
The heart of the wise teaches his own mouth...and adds learning to his own lips.

I believe that there are two hands that work together to mold our knowledge...and the process of learning in our lives.  These two work upon us, just as the hands of a potter work the clay upon his wheel...with one working without...and another pressing upon us from within. Hopefully, through this process we can become a vessel of greater value for ourselves, for others, and most importantly for God.

Learn more.  Click the picture above to read..."With Two Hands"

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Failure To Execute Justice: By LaVaughn Landry

Proverbs 16:10
Divine authority is given to every leader in society. For this very reason…his mouth should never fail to properly execute justice.

This particular proverb was written nearly 3000 years ago, but it has never had a more important message than it does today.  All leaders of governments and enterprises throughout the entire world, are all leaders that are in positions that are ordained of God.   Therefore, they govern as God’s ministers to the people of this world and are direct representatives of His office, whether they recognize that fact or not. 

Learn More. Click the picture above to read "A Failure to Execute Justice”.

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Conspiring with Pride: By La Vaughn Landry

Proverbs 16:5
God abhors those whose heart becomes full of pride…Even though he joins hands with others in his conspiracy…he will not escape God’s punishment.

If any further proof of this is required, we need look no further than the financial corruption we have seen play out on Wall Street …the constant scandals of the rich and famous…and the exposure of corruption in all levels of our political systems...from the lowest to some of the highest ranks within our government. 

Learn more.  Click the picture above to read "Shaking Hands with Pride".

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Is That All You Got? By LaVaughn Landry

Proverbs 21:22
A wise man scales the city of the mighty...and casts down the strength of its confidence!

Muhammad Ali fought George Foreman for the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship on October 30, 1974 in Zaire, Africa in one of the most celebrated epic boxing matches of all time.  George Foreman was a monster of a fighter and the favorite to win.  George was bigger, younger, stronger, and had already won thirty-seven of his forty matches, all ending in knockouts; some only lasting a meager six minutes.  Two of his victims were Frazier and Norton, fighters who had already formerly defeated Ali.  It seemed as though the outcome was already decided...before the match was ever fought. 

Learn more.  Click the picture above.  Read the entire article... "Is That All You Got?"

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Conquering The Mountain of Our Heart: By LaVaughn Landry

Proverbs 16:32
He that is slow to anger is...
...Better than the mighty!
He that governs his spirit is...

...Better than he that can conquer a city!

I believe it was once said by a famous adventurer concerning climbing Mt. Everest, “You can’t conquer a mountain.  You conquer your fears, your doubts, your own limitations…you conquer yourself!”  There have been many mighty men throughout history who were unable to do this.  They had great ambitions of grandeur and conquest, but lacked in their ability to conquer the greatest mountain of all; their own hearts. 

Learn more.  Click the above picture to read..."Conquering the Mountain of Our Heart"

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Searching For Prudence: BY LaVaughn Landry

Proverbs 16:20
The wise in heart shall be called prudent…

What does it mean to be called prudent?  You could be called rich, intelligent, well educated, famous, or popular?  Some are even called beautiful and good looking…others physically strong and well conditioned.  There are many noble things to which we can aspire to become in life.  However, in my own personal life …“prudence” probably is the one characteristic with which I personally struggle most to emulate.  Even when I have utterly failed in life…at that moment…I have always tried to pause for a moment…and move from my foolish posture…to a wiser and more stable one.  However, I have not always been very successful at doing so.

Learn More.  Read:  Searching For Prudence

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The Man in the Mirror: By LaVaughn Landry

Proverbs 16:2
The ways of a man are clean in his own eyes…But God knows the true motives of his heart.

Nothing could be more detrimental to our well-being than our ignorance, or straight out denial of our weaknesses.  This creates a false sense of pride, and a hypocritical attitude towards the rest of humanity, and even God Himself.  It would do all of us a tremendous amount of good, if each and every morning we would get up and immediately go take a long look at ourselves in the mirror…and become humbled by what we see.  This way, we could embrace the day, and the rest of humanity, the way that we should...and even more importantly, Almighty God, our creator and redeemer.

Learn more.  Click the title or picture above to read the entire article…"Man in the Mirror". 

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The Three Wise Men: By LaVaughn Landry

The Messiah will be born of a virgin
Isaiah 7:14 - Matthew 1:18-25

The story of Christmas is the story of Christ Jesus! There is no greater life ever lived…nor greater story that has ever been told! The Old Testament books in the Bible were written between 1450 BC and 430 BC and contained hundreds of prophecies concerning an “anointed one”...the one who would arrive upon the scene at some future point in history. Psalm 22 alone contains 11 exact prophecies written some 1000 years prior to the birth of Jesus Christ.

Click the picture or title above to read the entire article… “Three Wise Men”


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Elements of Freedom: By LaVaughn Landry

Albert Einstein: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again...expecting different results.”  America was an effort to break that cycle...and to form a new nation based on common truths...truths which had become self-evident through clear observation of past history...and a bold initiative to break away from those old and dysfunctional forms of government...government which only generated tyranny and oppression for its form a new nation whose single goal was to preserve the peace, prosperity, and freedom of its people...and that of many other generations to come! 

Learn more. Click the picture above and read, "Elements of Freedom".

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First Things First: By Lavaughn landry

Proverbs 16:3
Commit your daily activities to God......So that your long-term endeavors will be established.

Too many times we focus on the mountains that are before us, and consequently, we fall on the small stones that lie at our feet.  One man was once quoted as saying, “Nothing so conclusively speaks concerning a man’s ability to lead others, than by what he does daily to lead himself.”  Sometimes there is a tremendous divide between what we want to do...and what we are willing to do daily and faithfully …over an long and extended period of time…in order to achieve that goal. 

Learn more.  Click on the picture above to read "First Things First".

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Inside His Hand: By LaVaughn Landry

Proverbs 16:1 The plans of the heart belong to man…but the outcome is in the hands of God. 

Man takes ownership of both his successes and failures.  These are the things that we create of our own free will...things that can only exist within the creation that God has made for mankind. The realm of man’s will…is the power of man’s sovereignty.  However, it is equally imperative that we recognize the presence of the Hand of God around us...and the power of his will upon us...which without a doubt will have the last word as to the ultimate outcome of our individual lives!

Learn More.  Click the picture above to read "Inside His Hand".

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Elements of Change: By LaVaughn Landry

"You are the light of the world...You are the salt of the earth."  Jesus Christ

Just as salt brings out the great hidden virtues of society…so does light!  Light not only exposes the evil…but reveals great good…good that our enemy does not want our society to see!  Hidden talent!  Hidden wealth!  Hidden gifts!  Hidden love!  Hidden knowledge and wisdom!  The light enables people to see better…live better…run more!  Light helps us see where we can love more…show more mercy…have more compassion! 

Learn more.  Click the picture above to read..."Elements of Change."

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