Our Lot In Life: By La Vaughn Landry

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Proverbs 16:33
The whole lot is cast into the lap…but the disposing thereof… is in the hands of God. 

The more and more that this world grows and connects in its relationships of economy, politics, and law, the more complex the spectrum of the whole becomes, and the more seemingly difficult it is for us to control, or even forecast, the outcome of its entirety.  Another important dynamic to note…is that within this whole are billions of individuals whose heart and will are free to wander and do as they please.   

It is difficult, yes, even impossible, for us as individuals to keep up with all the events that take place across the world, and the effects that they could, or could not have upon our lives.  We assuredly must attempt to make the best decisions possible, concerning our actions, our investment, and our votes.  This is our individual lot.  And let us not minimize or devaluate the power of our lot, but let us cast it.  Remember this. It is not the huge hull of a mighty ship that causes it to turn…but the small helm.  Sometimes… it is the smallest actions…that create the greatest change! 

One warm summer day in 1898, there was a young boy fishing on the banks of the great Mississippi river next to an older gentleman.  As they sat talking and laughing about life, suddenly, the great river boat, the Mississippi Queen, could be seen coming in the distance.  The boy drops his pole and begins to run up and down the river hollering as loud as he could, “Hey! Over here!  Stop! Come get me!  I want to ride!”  The old man just chuckled to himself and replied, “Son, that is the great Mississippi Queen.  That boat will never pull over just for you!  You have to go one hundred miles upstream to St. Louis and buy a ticket at its next stop!”  But the boy paid him no attention.  He tore off his shirt and began to jump up and down waving it in the air.  “Over here!” he exclaimed.  Suddenly, the old man’s jaw just dropped.  He gazed in total unbelief, as the big boat slowed down, pulled over to the shore, and lowered the gang-plank, as the young boy calmly and joyfully ran on board.  Then just as the boat began to pull away, the older man hollered up one last time to the young boy leaning over the rail.  “Son.  I just gotta know! How did you get that big boat to stop its course, and pull over just for you?”  The boy smiled and replied, “Sir.  It is no big deal.  You see…my dad is the captain of this here ship!”   

So what must we do, when examining the uncertainty of our lives…and that of the whole world?  First.  We must remember that God is the captain of this big ship… and we must look to Him as the one who knows all, can see it all, and certainly controls it all.  Otherwise, we will become overwhelmed with the seemingly uncontrollable direction of our individual lives and that of society as a whole.  If we cannot posture ourselves to trust in him, we will get the sense that we are being tossed about by the uncontrollable storms of this world, and that our lot doesn’t really count or matter for anything.   

So take this advice.  Be a good steward with your daily lot.  Trust God with the annual whole! And I promise you this…He will make sure that the annual whole of your daily lots are incredibly blessed!