Failure To Execute Justice: By LaVaughn Landry


Proverbs 16:10
Divine authority is given to every leader in society. For this very reason…his mouth should never fail to properly execute justice.

This particular proverb was written nearly 3000 years ago, but it has never had a more important message than it does today. 

All leaders of governments and enterprises throughout the entire world, are all leaders that are in positions that are ordained of God.   Therefore, they govern as God’s ministers to the people of this world and are direct representatives of His office, not their own, whether they recognize that fact or not.  For one of God’s representatives to fail to execute justice upon this earth, is to misrepresent God himself and the divine authority that He alone has ordained upon them. 

During my lifetime, have I never witnessed such outright disrespect towards the world’s authorities right down the line from fathers and mothers of homes, to CEO’s of huge corporations, to leaders of industrialized nations, and yes even religious leaders of throughout our society.  I have to ask myself why?   

I believe that one reason is because too many leaders have failed in their execution of justice and of what is right… too many fathers and mothers have abandoned their children and families …too many CEO’s have corrupted their integrity with greed… too many politicians have corrupted their office with lust for power…and too many religious leaders have abused their position as spiritual leaders.  A leader, who leads only to himself, and does not take into consideration that there is an Almighty who is perpetually watching his actions and ever mindful of his thoughts… is a leader that will certainly become corrupt.   

God is the King above all other kings. He is the Overseer of overseers, and he will not continue to standby and allow this world to be abused, and his office mocked.  If justice is to be maintained, and liberty a haven for the world, those who champion these elements must return to a full understanding of the sanctity of the offices that they hold, and the trust with which they have been endowed.  To lead is first and foremost a responsibility, secondly a privilege; but it should never be a responsibility that makes room for privileges that incubate corruption and abuse. 

Never before in the history of the world has there been a greater need for honesty and integrity in leadership than right now!  However, never before has it been so difficult to find!  But don’t despair!  In a time when the world is looking for leadership, God knows …where they are, who they are, and how to raise them up to where they need to be.