Tower of Refuge


Proverbs 18:10
God is a strong tower of refuge. The wise run into it, and are safe. 

All of us at some time or another have gone through big storms in our lives, and all we needed was some place of refuge to where we could escape from those problems and feel safe until the storm had passed…until our hearts had healed.  That place of safety could be with close family, with friends, or just somewhere away from everyone and alone with ourselves.  This article refers to such a place. 

The towers, to which the writer is here referring in this ancient proverb, were towers of refuge that were built as places of safety, and used as a sort of ancient bunker.  They were built so that the people might flee to them, in the event the city walls were breached, and everything else had fallen into the hands of the enemy.  Most of the time, these towers were located well inside of the city, close to the center of town.  During times of war, people would store food and supplies in them long enough to survive until help could arrive from a neighboring town or city.  They were also usually built over water wells, so that they could secure a clean water supply over extended periods of time; a water supply that the enemy could not access to contaminate.           

There is a story in the bible of a wicked man named Abimilech in the book of Judges, chapter nine.  He was a power hungry murderous tyrant, who slew all his own brethren, and all others who stood in his way, so that he might secure his kingdom.  He pursued his brothers to a city of Shechem.  In Shechem there were two of these, such towers.  One was made of wood and the other of stone. 

The men of Shechem were vain and proud.  When Abimelech pursued them, they fled into the tower of wood.  Abimelech simply burned down this tower of wood, and killed all which were inside.  However, there was another tower, one built of stone, into which all the other people with their wives and children fled.  When Abimelech approached the tower, a woman casts a stone from a window at the top of the tower, the which hit Abimelech in the head, and killed him. 

We too have a very powerful enemy that wishes to destroy us, and everything that we hold dear.  There are two towers into which we can flee…one of wood…or one of stone.  One is easily breached and burned down by our enemy.  The other is impenetrable and indestructible.  When all other refuges have failed, and when it seems that we have no other place in which to hide, we can go to Christ (Cristos: The Anointed One), Emmanuel (God with Us), The Son of the Living God.  He is not a weak tower of wood, but an impenetrable one of stone; one of which our enemy cannot breach.  Once inside, you will also find an unlimited source of cool clear living water that will never run dry until help arrives and you are safe. 

During any time of uncertainty and trouble, if you feel that your life has been breached, go hide yourself in Christ until help arrives!  And believe me…Help will come very soon!