House on Fire

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Proverbs 15:27
He that is greedy … brings trouble upon his home…but he that hates bribes will live a full and peaceful life! 

I want to be clear.  There is nothing wrong with gaining wealth…even tremendous wealth!  As long as we do so through an honest and diligent effort.  However, dishonest gains through greed …is a power that knows no moral boundaries.  Therefore, it creates a life without them.  Greed seduces folks who are prone to give into its devices.  What one under normal circumstances would not ever bring themselves to do…when the temptation of financial gain appears as an option to rational judgment… some men quickly forget their devotion to justice and become corrupt.   You can only close your eyes so many times to the truth, until finally through this repeated process your eyes become blinded, seared, and insensitive to reality. 

People too often rationalize their actions of dishonest pointing to the ultimate benefit that it has brought to them and their children.  However, they are deceived ...and when their lies come to bear upon will not only burn them…but their entire families with them.  This flame will have no prejudice when it is ignited within a home.  It burns throughout the entire house, sparing no matter how innocent it might be…until finally it brings the entire structure down upon itself.   

The contrast to this vicious cycle is the individual who spends his or her life, neither appeasing, nor being appeased with gifts and bribes.  But on the contrary, is one who has the ability to live a life based upon the truth, and not one easily distracted from it. He, or she, will live a life in peace, rather than one with the turmoil and stress that comes from having to walk the tedious and deceptive line of lies.  Their lives are filled with true love, because they have sown love in truth, not in hypocrisy and selfishness.  They live not to get, but live to give.  Their gifts are given to bless, not to be blessed.  They neither manipulate, nor are manipulated.  Their house is never in fear of a destructive fire, because they never allow one to be lit within the confines of its walls.