The Message of Messiah: By LaVaughn Landry

You will notice that none of the following biblical prophecies were ever under any human control…nor will they ever be. Even a casual glance through this list, reveals that no human could have ever fulfilled them by their own efforts.  The arrival of the Messiah into the world, Jesus the Christ (the anointed one), Emmanuel (God with us), was a miracle of our Creator, brought into being for one singular purpose destined for the good of mankind. 

Messiah will be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
Zechariah 11:12 & 13 - Matthew 26:15

Zechariah prophesies so accurately, one of the most important details concerning the eventual betrayal of Jesus Christ…and did it some 500 years prior to Christ arrival upon the earth.

Jesus was God’s covenant to mankind, broken upon a cross for us.  The gospel according to Matthew records that He was betrayed with the kiss of Judas for thirty pieces of silver.  A disciple of Christ, who later tragically dies in a field called the potter’s field, betrayed our Lord for thirty pieces of silver, a price which was commonly known as the price of a servant. 

Listen to what Christ speaks in Matthew 20:27-28 saying, “And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:  Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 

His Garments Given Away in Gambling
Psalms 22:18

King David writes saying, “They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.”  Then again, some 1000 years later in Matthew 27:35 it is written, “And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots:…”  There is a story in Genesis 37:31 concerning a  betrayal of Jacob’s youngest son.  His father had highly favored him because of his goodness.  However, out of envy his brothers betrayed him, sold him out, and stole his coat.  Through Joseph’s betrayal he came to Egypt and became the supreme governor of the land under Pharaoh.  Through his authority he saved his family from starvation and death. 

Of who was Jesus betrayed?  Why was he betrayed?  He was betrayed that he might die, provide salvation, an atonement for our sins, thus saving us, and proving his love for humanity. 

The Messiah will suffer quietly in Condemnation
Isaiah 53:7 Matthew 27:11-14

Isaiah writes concerning the Messiah saying, “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter…so he opened not his mouth.”  Jesus did nothing to stand in the way of his sacrifice.  It was for this purpose that he was born.  He would let nothing come between him and his love for humanity. Listen to what Matthew records saying, “Then said Pilate to him, Do you not hear how many things they witness against you.  And he (Jesus) answered him not a word; insomuch that the Governor marveled greatly.” 

The Messiah will be pierced through hands and feet
Psalm 22:16

The King of Israel writes saying, “for dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me; they pierced my hands and my feet.”  Then in Luke 23:33, according to the historical tradition of the Romans, Christ was crucified in an execution that was only reserved for the hardest of the criminals of that day, of which Christ was not.  So if he was not, then for what did he die?  For whom did he die?  Obviously King David is not speaking concerning himself.  Who is he speaking about?  When you compare this scripture to all the others in this particular chapter, it is obvious that he speaks concerning the Messiah. 

The Messiah will be raised from the dead (resurrected)
Psalm 16:10, 11, and Psalms 49:15 - Matthew 28:5-9

In Psalm 16, David writes concerning the future resurrection of the Messiah, saying, “You will not let you holy one face corruption.”  This sign did God give so that we might know the truth of his word.  Certainly, Christ died to give us freedom from a guilty conscience.  However, he was resurrected that he might give us the power of a New Life.  We do not have to continue to live under the heavy burden of our guilt and pain of our failures and offenses, nor to we have to be controlled by the same destructive nature as before.  We can be free.  God has power to keep his promises, and to change our lives.  This is the message of resurrection. 

Simply spoken, God wants to have fellowship with someone like himself.  He made a people of free will.  He proved his love for them in death.  He proved his ability to fulfill his promise in resurrection. He gave them a choice to love him.  He provided a way for them to do that.  Those who accept this wonderful gift from their creator will enjoy an eternity of an abundant life with him that we can only begin to comprehend.  These are the facts! This is the Message of Messiah!