Conspiring with Pride: By La Vaughn Landry

Proverbs 16:5
God abhors those whose heart becomes full of pride…Even though he joins hands with others in his conspiracy…he will not escape justice.

If any proof of this is required, we need look no further than the financial corruption we have seen play out on Wall Street …and the exposure of corruption in all levels of our political systems...from the lowest to some of the highest ranks within our government. 

It is a deception to think that some secret behind closed doors pact with others will somehow protect us from possible damage, hurt, or punishment that a prideful heart will bring.  He that rolls a stone to damage others…it will roll back upon him! He who digs a hole to trap others …will end up falling into it himself.

We live in a society that rewards the hard-working, the confident, the talented, the faithful, the aggressive, and all those who have been able to build the relationships which open the doors for greater success.  However, many times in the process of our pursuit for excellence, we let our successes go straight to our head…and as a result…we forget to guard our heart from one of the most dangerous elements in this world…Pride.  Blessing certainly should be our reward for a job well done…but pride can make it all go wrong…bring all our accomplishments to a dead halt…and cause the things that we have worked so hard to build up…to come crashing down around us.

I have spoken already many times before about the importance of a person’s heart and motive!  It is like the well of our lives from which we draw, that feeds the life which we live and pursue in this world.  Once the heart, which is the very source of our lives, becomes corrupt, it becomes increasingly more difficult for us to avoid the damage that this could bring upon all the other areas of our lives. 

Our heart undoubtedly can become contaminated almost on a daily basis because of the nature of the society in which we live.  However, it doesn’t have to stay that way.  We must take time daily to wash it out. 

So whether rich or poor, unknown or famous, weak or powerful…in success or in failure…stay humble before your God, no matter what your situation might be! 

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what God requires of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly before your God?” Micah 6:8