Proverbs 16:3
Commit your daily activities to God...
...So that your long-term endeavors will be established.
Jesus the Christ said, “Seek first the things concerning the Kingdom of God, and all these other things will be added to you.” He says this to emphasize the importance of keeping our priorities in order, so that in turn good things will come our way.
One man was once quoted as saying, “Nothing so conclusively speaks concerning a man’s ability to lead others, than by what he does daily to lead himself.” Sometimes there is a tremendous divide between what we want to do...and what we are willing to do daily and faithfully …over an long and extended period of time…in order to achieve that goal. Too many times we focus too intently upon the mountains that lie in the far distance before us. Consequentially, we end up falling upon the small stones that lie at our feet. God and the laws that he has set in place upon the earth do not normally work within single large frames of time...but rather multiple small ones. God cannot work to accomplish our lifelong goals, if we are not willing to give him some daily time, talent, and trust, so that he can go to work for us, using these important tools.
In Louisiana we have a local French word called “Lagniappe”. It means something extra. All of us desire the extras of life, such as success, prosperity, and a hope of an eventual peaceful rest from our labors. Unfortunately, these things are not the necessities of food, clothing, and shelter are...but rather are added blessings. There is, therefore, a great difference between true happiness in life achievement, and what most people of our society would call successful and prosperous living. The key is keeping our priorities in order.
Life and all the wonderful things that it can bring come as a direct result of keeping the first things first in our life. Keep God, His Word, His Will, and our relationship with Him as a priority. He, in turn, will give us the promises of an abundance in every way imaginable, and some unimaginable!