
We are at the Crossroad of Decision for our individual lives...and as a whole...for the direction of our entire nation.  As a society we are so inundated with talk of “Living Healthy”, “Living Happy”, and “Living Strong”, and certainly I believe that these are extremely vital elements of life.  However, I find it strange and unsettling that in comparison, very little emphasis is put on “Living Wise”...and it shows!  It shows most vividly in our political arena, corporate world, and the high-profile life of celebrities.  However, the most disconcerting place it shows is in the homes of ordinary families!  This is a trend that must change, or, to put it lightly, our society is headed for some very difficult times. 

Is it possible to have any success in life without wisdom?  Absolutely!  You can be a highly respected scholar, a parent, a world class athlete, a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, and yes, still not be wise in many areas of life.  Just read today’s news and you can see what I’m talking about.  I am often amazed, even with myself, at how many times I fall down, simply because of a lack of humility, and a readiness to learn and grow in my own understanding.  Sometimes, I believe that we are just unaware of our deficiencies...yet other times, I think we simply accept our behavior and situations just as they are, and lethargically allow ourselves to let life slide as it is!   

However, it does not have to be this way.  God desires us to live an abundant life and it is evident that he has invested everything within his power so that we might do so.  All we have to do is obtain the tools that he has put at our disposal, and learn how to properly apply them to our lives. “Live Wise” is simply intended to be one of those tools which helps its readers acquire the wisdom needed to better discern the oftentimes complex choices that we all face in life.

Finally, and most importantly, it is my prayer that as you read, study, and meditate upon the truths that are presented in this blog, that some type of positive change will occur...because change is the singular objective of true wisdom.  Change must come into our individual lives and our nation as a whole!  We must turn this ship in a different direction, so that we and our children can live with renewed vigor and principle, and put ourselves in a position to become all that God has intended for us and our nation to become through his truth, wisdom, and understanding. 

“For this reason we do not cease to pray for you, so that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”

Colossians 1:9