One of a Kind

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“You have protected me, even from my mother’s womb. I am thankful to you! Furthermore, I am in utter awe, at how uniquely and distinctly, you have created me!” Psalms 134:13-14

One of the greatest crises which we, as a society, are presently facing … is one that involves our identity. People are desperate to know who they really are.

We have all these websites now supposedly offering this service to help us find out our origins. From where did we come? Are we Scandinavian, African, Latin American, Irish, English, French, German, Dutch, Asian, or from the Middle East…or some sort of mixture of these ethnicities? The reality is…that in this way you will never find out who you really are! So how can we find answers to this dilema? Where can we begin to search?

The root cause of this yearning comes from deep within us. It is woven into the very fiber of how we were created! Of the over 7.5 billion people living in the world today, it is of no coincidence that not one human has the same fingerprint…the same retinal scan…not even the same voice pattern! Each and every one of us is wonderfully and uniquely created as…one of a kind!!! So, as we reflect upon this truth, what message is our creator trying to send to us?

I truly believe that God is trying to give us a two point message.

First, is a message pertaining to our origin. He wants you to know that He is your point of origin…your creator….that you are special and unique in every way. In order for us to finally connect to our origin…we must connect with Him! He wants you to know that if for whatever reason you might get lost…that because of your uniqueness…he can easily identify you out of the masses…find out exactly where you are…and save you from whatever situation in which you might find yourself. Your identity is not in where you are from…what color your skin is…or under what circumstances your were born…but rather your identity is in…whose your are!!! You are God’s special child! You are not just some clone of the family… but a very distinct and unique member of it! Furthermore, you ultimately are accountable only to him! He is your guide. He is your redeemer. He wants to be your closest counselor and friend! But even more so…He is your father! He will never abandon not even one of his children! If you need him…all you have to do is let him hear the sound of your one of a kind voice! And he will come running! He knows it well!

Second, is our destiny. This pertains to our purpose. It is no wonder that, when it comes of our careers and initiatives in life, it is so natural for us to vehemently abhor the status quo. Instinctively, we do not want to be someone common. Inside of our soul we know that somehow we were created for something more that this…and the truth is that we are! Sure, we might be one of many working in some collective effort. However, we cannot, nor should we, ever surrender our unique identify for the sake of that collective. On the contrary. The collective will only benefit, by us discovering and living out in our daily lives, the extremely beautiful combination of our unique gifts and talents. Don’t surrender who or what your Father has created you to be…not for anyone! Don’t fall into the trap of comparing where you are in life with others…who you are in life with others…or where you are going in life to others! Don’t surrender your destiny…in order to live someone else’s! God has given you the ability to stand up and take responsibility for your future! Fight your fight! Live your life! It is what you were created to do!

Finally know this! If you are so unique and special in the eyes of your Creator…and he has created you with such special talents, gifts, and desires. Then what reason do we have to fear anything? If God be for us…then who can be against us? Who or what can stand in the path of God’s purpose in you upon the earth? Nothing! Nor no one!